Bishop Seth Ward Almshouse Trust


1-15 High Street,Buntingford, Hertfordshire,SG99AB

Eight individual units, each with its own front door, lounge, kitchen, double bedroom, bathroom, seperate WC/Shower room. The grounds also include a large garden at the rear of the property.

The three cottages at Chapel End (bequeathed to the trust by Miss Adeline Saggers), along with a further property (purchased by the trust) at Linden Court, are rented at market rate to subsidise the Almhouses.

Residents, as beneficiaries of the charity, pay council tax and weekly maintenance contribution (WMC). This WMC is payable on the 1st of each month. It covers maintenance and redecoration of our grade 2 listed building, internal maintenance of each unit, gas, electric and water utility bills, TV reception, upkeep of the gardens, Herts Careline monitoring service, and building insurance.

Weekly maintenance contribution (WMC) is a term similar to rent, but different in law, and as such, lower than a commercial rate.

Annual checks regarding safety, fire, risk assessment, along with compliance to Legionella, Gas and Electrical regulations undertaken by the trustees.

The board of trustees are responsible for the management of the charitable trust and comprises of 10 volunteer trustees. Trustee skills include property maintenance, governance, secretarial, regulation compliance, and financial accounting.

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Bishop Seth Ward commemorated in Buntingford

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